Fixed Fees

Fixed Fee Costs

Trial fee

Fixed fee of either £5500+vat or £8000+vat depending on the level of representation required..

Other trials such as Due Care/Sec 172

Fixed fee of either £2500+vat or £4000+vat.

N.B. These fixed fees cover the cost of three Court appearances including one trial date.

Exceptional Hardship Hearing

  • Fixed fee of either £950+vat or £1650+vat for senior level representation.

Guilty Pleas

  • Fixed fee of either £950+vat or £1650+vat for senior level representation.

All guilty plea hearings cover the preparation and one day at Court. Guilty pleas are usually concluded at the first hearing at Court.

The lower priced fixed fees do not give access to senior solicitors and are instead are dealt with in house by either solicitors or paralegals and at Court by barristers or solicitors.

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